Maintenance Work at Coopers Hill took place this week. Our heavy works contractor Fisherlane Ground Care have once again offered fantastic service and have completed several vital pieces of work to help repair and improve the grass at Coopers Hill.
On Monday, Verti-Drain work was undertaken, this is a large machine carrying large metal spikes that pierce the ground and left the upper layer to help improve drainage by minimising compaction of the soil. A large roller acts to level the surface before the spikes de-compact it.
Tuesday and Wednesday was all about laying hundreds of Kilos of grass seed by using a machine called an over seeder. This machine cut the surface with a wheel before dropping the seed into the ground to optimise its germination.
40 Tonnes of sand was then laid to aid drainage and to help the soul sticking together.
Lets hope we now get the perfect weather of warm sunshine and consistent showers.